Harry Potter Trivia

Answer as many as you can.

What was the only time Fred and Gorge saw each other as old men?

In which Harry Potter book is Tom Riddle’s name written on the second page?

Who are Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs?

Who are Harry’s children?

What is Draco’s favorite fruit?

What is Crabbe’s first name?

How does Fred die?

What family does Luna marry into?

What are the names of all the Harry Potter books?

What does Neville  Longbottom teach in the Cursed Child?

What are Harry Hermione and Ron’s pets?



Chapter 1

6 months ago I found 8 bones and a skull in my yard, my family had just moved into the house 2 weeks ago and the day we moved in the lady down the street had said the house was hunted, but I hadn’t thought she was serous in till now. It was a week before school started and whenever I walked through the hallway after it I felt like the eyes in the paintings were watching me. After I found them I ran back into the house and as I ran past my mom she asked me ” Emma are you O.K ” I didn’t answer her I just kept running. When I got to my room I slammed the door and locked it, I could hear my mom coming up the stairs, I looked around and there were paintings everywhere. The eyes in the painting stared down at me, I could hear my mom trying to open the door. She opened her closet to look for something I could use to take down the paintings when I saw a skull starring down at me from the top shelf. I screamed.  


I really like dragons, they are really cool and I really want to meet one. I have wanted to see a dragon for my whole life and I am really upset that I never have. I think that dragons are awesome because they can breath fire, fly and they also have awesome powers. I hope you get that I love dragons. 


This week I am writing about my dog Evie. I got Evie when I was about 4, my cat had just died and we went to go look at a family of Veishella and we got my dog Evie when she was about 2 months old.


She stopped growing when she was about 4 years old, she is around my waist height. Evie is vary cute and she likes to sleep in my bed. she also likes to eat my food and she sheds every where.


Evie is really nice and she is really cute. I love spending time with her.       


This year I am looking forward to going to Costa Rica in March break, eating pie and turning 10 on my birthday. I am also looking forward to getting new books and a bird. Other things I am looking forward to programing club and starting a new  club mythology as well as doing my Science Fair project. I am also looking forward to summer when I am going to a cottage and a farm. that is what I am looking forward this year.   


If I met a genie and I got three wishes, I would wish for, 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0$ to spend on a lot of things that I want , next I would wish for a farm were I would keep cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and horses. for my last wish I would wish for all the super powers in the world, so that I could do whatever I want whenever I want.



What I like about winter

What I like about winter is, playing in the snow drinking hot chocolate and Christmas. I also like the winter holiday and having time to be outside in the snow. I like Christmas because I get good food nice presents and I get to spend time with my family. I also like it because I get a winter break and that gives me more time to spend outside and with my family. I like having time to get to play with my dog and cat and I also look forward to having a late night watching a movie and eating popcorn with a big fire in the fireplace. I enjoy to go skating and sledding. I love to go and decorate the Christmas tree and baking Christmas cookies I also like waking up on Christmas morning and going downstairs to see what presents I got. That is what I like about winter.         


If I was a superhero I would have 4 powers. I would have super strength, I would fly at the speed of light, I would shoot lasers out of my eyes and I would have freeze breathe.  My weakness would be kryptonight. I would come from Krypton and 2 more of my powers would super hearing and x-ray vision.  My name would be Darkstalker.  I would use my powers to freeze Donald Trump and throw him into the sea and then I would take over U.S.A. and then Canada and then Mexico. That is what I would do  if I had super powers. ☻


I think that wild animals in Toronto can be a nuisance sometimes but not always. All animals have both good things and bad about them you just need to look closely. Take raccoons for instance, they go through your garbage and cause a lot of problems, but thanks to them no food goes to waste, or mosquitoes only 5 percent of females bite. All things are connected, if we got rid of wild animals in Toronto it would have a bigger effect on us then most people think.

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